Course Development & Assessment Tools
- Choose over 3 modes - Only Training, Only Assessment, Training and Assessment
- Develop course materials - documents, audio, video files and save them within the application, for easy access and reuse
- Create course materials using-
Content creation service
Transform existing ones into engaging animated elearn courses - Create assessments and quizzes using AI-enabled talent assessment platform
Secure Content Sharing & Distribution
- Share documents through a secure and easily traceable structured content storage system
- Have complete ownership with elearn materials and content being non-downloadable & only accessible from app
- Share external links, articles, virtual classroom links
- Share certificates on course completion

Anytime, Anywhere Learning Platform
- Accessible from anywhere anytime
- Add new employees, place into learning groups, allocate courses - can be integrated into HRMS to auto-enrol new learners and employees
- Seamless interaction between members of groups, and one-on-one with trainers through in-built chat system and FAQ forum
Real-Time Progress Tracking & Analytics
- Curated dashboard for each role
- Track individual learning progress & assessments at real time
- Detailed analytics on individual, groups, designation Check out our client success stories here