HomeTech ServicesCybersecurity
Elogix's cybersecurity services includes managed detection and response, penetration testing, compliance audits, network security, incident response etc,. icon icon
Elogix Cybersecurity utilises leading technologies and frameworks to deliver customised security solutions that protect against modern cyber threats.

Following processes like threat modeling and risk analysis, we architect robust controls aligned to key standards such as NIST, ISO 27001, and CIS Controls.
Our managed detection and response services feature integration of advanced endpoints, firewalls, SIEMs, SOARs, and EDRs to enable 24/7 monitoring, automated response, and expert analysis for early breach detection and rapid incident response.


Our Cybersecurity
Services & Solutions

Pre & Post Implementation Audits - Cybersecurity
Pre & Post Implementation Audits

Assess security gaps before and after ERP or enterprise software rollout

Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing

Pinpoint vulnerabilities via ethical hacking of external and internal infrastructure

Information Systems Audit
Travel Management Audit

Employees used a simple interface to organise personal and duty travel.

Compliance Services
Compliance Services

Implement data privacy programs like SOC1, SOC 2, VAPT, WAPT, Pen Test, Security Audit

Network Security
Network Security

Secure IT perimeter through firewall reviews, segmentation, VPN setup

Policy & Procedure Review - Cybersecurity
Policy & Procedure Review

Formulate or review policies aligned to security best practices

Risk Management
Risk Management

Identify and mitigate information security risks with corrective actions

Awareness Training
Awareness Training

Conduct security and compliance training for employees

Incident Response
Incident Response

Provide expert incident response in case of security breaches

Managed Security Services
Managed Security Services

Monitor, manage and help improve security posture

With a focus on zero trust, microsegmentation, hardening, access control, encryption, and vulnerability management, we help you embrace cloud and mobility while ensuring regulatory compliance.